Everything You Need to Know About Dental Sealants Before You Choose to Use Them
Did you know that your teeth are the hardest part of your body? The shiny outer surface of your teeth (enamel) is 96% mineral making it stronger than bone. It is this quality that makes your teeth last a lifetime if you have excellent oral habits.
But, there are situations where it becomes difficult to clean the chewing surfaces (occlusal) of your back teeth (premolars and molars). Eventually, plaque will form. At this juncture, dental sealants in Oshawa become a viable option.
Though brushing and flossing keep cavities at bay, choosing to seal teeth will further aid in protecting the chewing surface from decay.
Fast Facts About Dental Sealants
Dental sealants are a protective coating typically made of plastic placed on the occlusal surface of your molars and premolars. They are used to protect your teeth from decay. In other cases, there is a sealant for sensitive teeth to reduce sensitivity. Studies have revealed that you can reduce the risk of tooth decay by approximately 80% by using sealants.
Why Do You Need Sealants?
There are grooves on your premolars and molars known as fissures, which make them vulnerable to cavities. For some people, these grooves can be deep and narrow, making it difficult for the bristles of a toothbrush to clean the fissures effectively.
Therefore, plaque accumulates in these fissures. The bacteria in the plaque release acid, which attacks the enamel causing cavities to develop. Fluoride aids in protecting your teeth from decay, and a fissure sealant adds extra protection for the hard to reach areas of your teeth.
How Do Sealants Work?
Dental sealants in Oshawa are like raincoats of your teeth. Bacteria in the mouth are always active when there are leftover food particles. They thrive when these food particles aren’t adequately removed through brushing and flossing. After the sealants are applied to the surface of your teeth, it adheres to the surface.
The sealant then forms a hard coating that hinders food and bacteria from getting and sticking on the tiny grooves, eventually preventing decay.
How are Sealants Placed?
Applying sealants on your teeth is a quick and painless process. It takes a few minutes for our dentist to apply the sealants. Here is the application process:
- First, our dentist will thoroughly clean your teeth.
- Your teeth are then dried, and an absorbent material like cotton is placed around the teeth to keep them dry.
- For the sealant bond to work well, our dentist will roughen your teeth using an acid solution.
- After this, your teeth are rinsed and dried.
- Finally, the sealant is applied to the tooth enamel where it hardens. In some situations, the sealant is hardened under a special curing light.
Sealants can also be placed over cavities only if it is early decay. This will prevent further deterioration of your teeth. If our dentist uses clear sealants, this will allow proper monitoring of the tooth to see whether the sealant is working correctly.
Can Anyone Get Sealants?
Yes, anyone can benefit from sealants, but you have to discuss it with our dentist to ascertain if it is possible in your scenario. But it is important to note that the earlier you get sealants, the better. The first premolars show up around the age of six, and molars show up at around 12 years. When you seal teeth as early as this, you will keep teeth cavity-free.
Children typically benefit more from the protective coating dental sealants offer. But adults also benefit, especially if you are at risk for caries if you have deep fissures and your teeth do not already have fillings.
How Long Do Sealants Last?
Dental sealants in Oshawa have been tried and tested since the 70s. They are able to protect your teeth for approximately ten years. But you will need to check in with our dentist often to check whether there is chipping or wearing. This will enable our dentist to change the sealant if it’s necessary.
Are They Safe?
Sealants are safe and can be used without fear. Currently, no studies or research has stated otherwise. Apart from minor allergies after application, there are no other issues.
Sealants can help you and your family keep cavities at bay. In case you need sealants, at Conlin dentistry, we have the experts who can take you through the process.