Dental Bonding

Dental Bonding in Oshawa, ON

Do you struggle with a particular aspect of your smile? Are your teeth stained or discolored? Did you recently sustain a chipped tooth when engaging in your favorite sport? Have you always disliked the length or shape of your teeth? Many people can pinpoint a thing or two that they don’t like about their smiles.

Dental bonding is a simple and inexpensive yet effective cosmetic dental procedure that allows you to change the appearance of your smile, resulting in a better and brighter smile. Dental bonding involves the application of tooth-colored composite resin to your tooth.

Dental bonding is available at Conlin Dentistry. We can transform your smile painlessly within a single visit.

When Should You Consider Dental Bonding?

Conlin Dentistry recommends dental bonding for a variety of dental problems. Visit our dental offices in Oshawa, ON today if any of the statements below apply to you:

  • You have chipped or cracked teeth.
  • Your teeth are stained or discolored.
  • You have mild decay and need to fill your cavity.
  • You want to make your teeth look longer.
  • You’re dissatisfied with the shape of your teeth.
  • You’ve suffered gum recession and want to protect your exposed tooth root.
  • You have gaps or diastemata between your teeth.

Our dentist in Oshawa, ON will assess your suitability for dental bonding before embarking on the treatment procedure. Pressing dental issues such as gum disease will require treatment first before you can qualify for dental bonding.

Dental Bonding vs. Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers are custom shells that address quite a number of the same dental issues as dental bonding. If you’re currently undergoing one or all of the dental problems listed in the previous section, you’ve likely wondered what the differences between veneers and dental bonding are. Here’s what you should know about dental bonding versus veneers:

  • Veneers are more expensive compared to dental bonding.
  • Dental bonding can be completed in a single visit, while veneers require at least two appointments since they’re custom-made in a dental lab.
  • Veneer treatment requires considerable enamel removal as the oshawa dentist must make room for the placement of the custom shells. Dental bonding doesn’t require much tooth preparation, and you will not need to remove any enamel from your tooth.
  • Veneers typically last longer and resist stains better than dental bonding.

Our dentist in Oshawa, ON, can help you make an informed decision when you come in for your appointment. Here at Conlin Dentistry, we consider our patients’ cases individually and carefully weigh all your needs and concerns before recommending the appropriate treatment. Call us today if you’d like to explore the possibilities offered by dental bonding.

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