Turn to Cosmetic Teeth Whitening and Dental Veneers for a Younger Looking Smile

Turn to Cosmetic Teeth Whitening and Dental Veneers for a Younger Looking Smile

Feb 26, 2020

Thanks to the many advancements made in modern dentistry, it’s easier today than ever before to turn back the hands of time on a smile that has started to suffer the ravages of time due to teeth staining. A dentist nearby in Oshawa, ON, can now provide a full array of treatment options to not only remove tooth staining that naturally occurred over time, but other cosmetic concerns such as chipped, cracked, or misshapen teeth.

Professional teeth whitening in Oshawa, ON, has been the treatment of choice for countless patients who no longer want to rely on over-the-counter products that are famous for over-promising and underdelivering. Instead, they can visit their dentist for dental bleaching that will yield incredible results after only one appointment.

With regard to crooked, chipped, or misshapen teeth, those same patients can also reap the benefits of dental veneers if the dentist they are visiting for tooth whitening also provides this form of cosmetic dentistry like we in our comfortable Oshawa, ON dentist office. If you’re curious to learn more about teeth whitening near you or the benefits of dental veneers from a dentist, such as Conlin Dentistry, we hope the following information provides answers to some of your questions.

Turn to the Professionals for Professional Results

No one likes to spend money without seeing or experiencing some type of reward from it. Whether it’s a new pair of shoes, a salon treatment, or a product for self-improvement, it’s human nature to want to see or feel the benefit from the expense.

The same is true when it comes to teeth whitening treatments. Yes, there are countless products available on the shelves of stores or for purchase online that claim amazing results. You may have even been tempted to try some of them in the recent past, just to find yourself waiting to see your teeth lighten even one or two shades after weeks – and sometimes months — of use.

There’s a reason the results have been trailing behind the timeline you envision for your new smile. It all boils down to the level of bleaching material that is approved for retail purchase versus the more powerful ingredients that are approved for professional use.

At Conlin Dentistry in Oshawa, ON, we use only the highest-grade bleaching ingredients and technology to provide our patients with maximum results in the shortest amount of time. That means that if you have an important event such as a wedding, family reunion, job interview, or any other social engagement looming in the next few days, you can have a smile that could be up to five shades whiter after just one appointment for a professional tooth whitening.

If time and experience are important qualities to you as you explore ways to create a younger-looking smile, there is absolutely no substitute for whiter teeth than a visit to your dentist for a professional whitening treatment.

An Added Bonus: You Can Change the Shape of Your Smile with the Help of

Dental Veneers

As mentioned, one of the other more popular cosmetic dentistry procedures to create a more youthful smile is the use of dental veneers. Although they are most commonly used to cover chipped, cracked, or misshapen teeth, veneers also have an application in whitening smiles, too.

There are times when a person’s natural teeth may not respond to bleaching materials of any variety – even professional-level ingredients – for various reasons such as medications they are taking or previous trauma to the tooth. In a case such as this, your dentist will perform a professional whitening on all of your teeth and then cover the teeth that have not responded to the bleaching with dental veneers.

The beauty of dental veneers is that that can be used on only one tooth that is resistant to bleaching, or on several teeth! Your dentist will be able to develop a treatment plan that’s been designed specifically for your teeth.

One of the many things that patients love about the use of dental veneers in conjunction with tooth whitening is that both procedures are fast and produce amazing results. If you’d like to learn more about these procedures or other procedures that can be combined to produce a more youthful smile, please make an appointment today at our Oshawa, ON dental clinic to learn more.

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